Accessible Mobile Apps Weekly - Issue #16

Hello everyone!

Hope you're having a good week. This week our Slack group got off to a good start, and I published my first video in a new series about accessibility testing.

Not much was new in the Android world this week, so give me a shout if you're writing new content about Android accessibility. I'd love to see it and share it here.

You can send me suggestions for the next issue via email ( or Twitter.

- Robin

I’ve received the results of my accessibility audit – now what?

"So, you’re just getting started on your accessibility journey and you’re wondering what your first few steps should be. Great! Know that most organizations typically start with an accessibility audit, which provides a benchmark for their digital content." -

From Our Slack Workspace

  • Thibault Maekelbergh shared "an introductory application we created mainly as a guide for our own developers on how to tackle accessibility (mainly screen reader) in React Native and the relevant APIs to use." Check out the repo on Github.
  • Jan Jaap de Groot shared his "Repository with many accessibility code examples for Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native and Xamarin. They are grouped by WCAG success criterion." Check out the repo on Github.

Not in the Slack group? Use this link to join our Slack workspace for mobile accessibility. Ask technical questions, share resources, get advice from other developers, and most importantly connect with developers who share your passion for a11y.

It’s new, so don’t hesitate to get the conversations started. :)

Accessibility Done Well

A good example of accessibility being done well is on the Ancient Board Game Collection app from @klemensstrasser

Have you made an update to your app's accessibility? Let me know so we can show it off in next week's section "Accessibility Done Well".


Background Sounds: Turn Your iPhone into a Personal Sound Machine to Help You Focus, Rest, and Stay Calm

"If you get distracted or stressed out easily, your iPhone might be able to help you focus or calm you down. It can even help you fall asleep with white noise, and you don't have to install a third-party app or buy an audio track to turn your iPhone into a personal sound machine." -

This Little-Known Gesture Will Change How You Use Maps on Your iPhone

"You can double-tap most maps on your iPhone to zoom in, and tap once with two fingers to zoom out. And I'm sure you're more than familiar with the pinch gesture for zooming. But there's an even better way to zoom in and out on maps, and you can do it with one hand tied behind your back." -

VoiceOver navigation improvement tips for SwiftUI apps

In case you missed this link on SwiftLee Weekly #130, you can read about VoiceOver navigation on SwiftUI here.

Manual Testing on iOS

I'm starting a series of tutorials on Youtube on manual testing with VoiceOver. Here's the first video on getting setup. Stay tuned for the next videos that will be more in depth.

Get Setup for Manual Testing with VoiceOver on iOS


Building for Everyone — become a part of Google Developers Accessibility Campaign

"In our ever changing fast-paced world, we need to make sure everyone can access the newest inventions and innovations and enjoy them to the fullest. Despite progress in tech and society, people with disabilities still face barriers to accessible experiences — including hurdles to complete tasks, navigate the world, or reach their dreams. As creative technologists we all have an opportunity and a responsibility to ensure what we’re building works for everyone." - GDG Europe on

Accessibility Features on your Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch

"Your Samsung smart watch has built-in Accessibility features, including Vision and Hearing settings. Once you adjust these settings, you can get the most out of your watch." -

Accessibility on Samsung Gear S3

The Blind Live reviews the Samsung Gear S3 for accessibility, and gives a good introduction to accessibility on wearables if you've never seen it before.

Smartwatch Accessibility - Samsung Gear S3 - The Blind Life
