Accessible Mobile Apps - Issue #52

Hello everyone,

Hope you're having a great week.

In case you missed the replay of my talk at Swift Leeds, you can find it here: Let me know what you think! Feedback is always welcome. 😄

As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions for the next issue via email ( or Twitter (or Mastodon).

- Robin

Accessible Animations

Building off the video I shared in the last issue about accessible animations (You can find it here on, here's another article on the subject of how to make animations in your app more accessible.

European Accessibility Act 2025

There is a wonderful deadline approaching in Europe: the European Accessibility Act 2025. In short, it will require companies to comply with basic accessibility standards. Read about all the details here:


Glyphs, Icons and Shapes

If you're curious about how to balance accessibility with adding more visual elements to your app, this article talks about everything from glyphs, icons, and shapes, going over challenges and ways to keep them as accessible as possible.

Action Button

What exactly can we assign to the action button in terms of accessibility? Check out this Youtube Short:

SwiftLint Accessibility Rules

Did you know that there are SwiftLint rules available for SwiftUI projects? And that these rules are off by default? Read about the rules, and how to turn them on, in this article by Mark Steadman:


TalkBack: Samsung or Google?

Did you know that Samsung has its own version of TalkBack that is different from Google's version? Learn more in this video about the differences, and pros and cons of each:

Google Lense

Android Police suspects that Google Lens could soon be enhanced with audio commands. Check out what they've found out so far:

Join the Accessible Mobile Apps Slack Group

Use this link to join our Slack workspace for mobile accessibility. Ask technical questions, share resources, get advice from other developers, and most importantly connect with developers who share your passion for a11y.

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