Accessible Mobile Apps - Issue #48

Hello everyone,

Hope you're having a great week.

If you're curious about the presentation I gave at SwiftConf about accessible maps and navigation, you can check out the slides here. It was a great crowd and I had lots of good questions, so don't hesitate if you have questions, too. The full video should be available soon.

As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions for the next issue via email ( or Twitter (or Mastodon).

- Robin

Building accessibility into your company, team and culture

Recently Sommer Panage gave an awesome presentation at SwiftTO about building accessibility into your company, team and culture. If you haven't seen it already, here's the replay:

European Accessibility Act: What you need to know

If you live in Europe and are still fuzzy about what the European Accessibility Act actually means for you, check out this breakdown by Craig Abbott:

De-stress your UX

Your UX choices could be stressing out your users. In accessibility terms, think of this as adding to your users' cognitive load unnecessarily. Want to know how you can improve your UX to prevent this? The UX Collective shows you how:

Accessibility Metrics Setting the Right Benchmarks

In case you missed the webinar by Deque about setting accessibility benchmarks, here's the replay:


Xcode 15: Automated accessibility audits

Curious about the newly announced accessibility audit feature in Xcode 15? Pol Piella Abadia wrote a good article about it that gives you a more hands-on view of what it looks like in practice:

iOS 17: How to Make Haptic Touch Faster on iPhone

Found an interesting new feature coming out with iOS 17: we can now make haptic touch faster. You can read about this feature and how it compares to its predecessor, 3D Touch here:

Voice Control

Voice Control is great, but Voice Control users are calling for Apple to spend more development time improving it:


Android 14: Screen and Flash Notifications

Android went out and one-upped Apple by adding flash and screen notifications in Android 14. The flash notification uses the camera, just like on iOS, but the screen notification is new. This will flash yellow on your phone screen when a notification is received.

Accessibility Done Well: Flexibits

In their latest article, Flexibits describes the accessibility improvements they've made to their iOS app. Send them some feedback and tell them to keep up the good work! :)

Join the Accessible Mobile Apps Slack Group

Use this link to join our Slack workspace for mobile accessibility. Ask technical questions, share resources, get advice from other developers, and most importantly connect with developers who share your passion for a11y.

Want to know more about accessibility on the web?

Consider subscribing to A11yWeekly, a newsletter all about accessibility on the web. It's a great compliment to the content I send you about accessibility on mobile apps.