Accessible Mobile Apps - Issue #45

Hello everyone,

Hope you're having a great week. As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions for the next issue via email ( or Twitter (or Mastodon).

- Robin


Who has tested out the new app Threads by Instagram? I'd love to know what you think about it's accessibility. According to this article, they are modeling the accessibility after what has already been done on Instagram. Could Threads be the new more accessible Twitter?

Being polite when talking about disability

It's always great to have a reminder about what words we use when talking about disability. To avoid being "accidentally offensive/rude" give this article a look.

Overlay Company Sues Globally-Recognized Accessibility Expert

Although overlays are on the web, this lawsuit is worrisome for accessibility experts everywhere. The highlights so far:

  • "Adrian has been outspoken against a type of software called an overlay. This type of overlay promises to make websites accessible for disabled people with just one line of code."
  • "Adrian was sued by AudioEye, a company that sells overlays."
  • "It is Lainey’s opinion that this lawsuit is a SLAPP suit. Those initials stand for “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.”  Adrian has been part of an urgent global dialogue about harms caused by overlays. And about their failure to meet the promise of website accessibility."

Accessibility Decay

Preventing regressions in accessibility is a hard job. This article recommends some ways to prevent "accessibility decay."


My Perspective on Apple Live Speech as a Deaf Person

Loved reading this article by Paul Sweeney Jr. giving a review of his experience so far with Live Speech.

Apple Vision Pro

Another video by Carrie on Accessibility, this time focusing on the accessibility of Vision Pro.


Undo Button

Gboard is going to have the ability to recover text you deleted, with an "undo" button. This is great for cognitive accessibility, to provide a way to "do" and "undo" actions.

What's new in Google accessibility?

Check out the next update from Google about what's new in accessibility. They talk about many topics, but the ones that stood out to me were the content guidelines they announced for GAAD (, as well as Lookout Q&A Mode (

Join the Accessible Mobile Apps Slack Group

Use this link to join our Slack workspace for mobile accessibility. Ask technical questions, share resources, get advice from other developers, and most importantly connect with developers who share your passion for a11y.