Accessible Mobile Apps - Issue #44

Hello everyone,

Hope you're having a great week. As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions for the next issue via email ( or Twitter (or Mastodon).

- Robin

Reddit is going to introduce accessibility changes to its iOS app

In the last newsletter, I included an article about Reddit's new API policy and the exceptions they are making for apps focusing on accessibility (see: Well since then, Reddit has announced they have a plan to improve the accessibility of their own platform! The details are vague, but encouraging that hey have a plan.

Podcast: All things Accessible, by Spotify

Check out an interview with Serah Njambi Kiburu, Senior Developer Advocate and Accessibility Expert as she talks about accessibility in the Spotify Developer Portal. I also found their docs "Spotify's Guide for Developing Accessible Applications" ( pretty interesting!

Printable Posters

In case you have some extra wall space, check out these printable posters about the "Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility".


Check out this deep dive into some of the features Slack has that make their platform more accessible. For each feature they talk a bit about the why, and the kinds of people who would find this feature valuable.


Podcast: Dani Devesa Derksen-Staats, by Spotify

Check out this conversation with Dani Devesa Derksen-Staats, an iOS engineer on Spotify’s accessibility team, as he talks about accessibility on iOS at Spotify.

WWDC Recap

You may have already read everything there is to read about WWDC 23, but I find Carrie's videos interesting as they provide a direct perspective of someone who uses assitive technologies every day. Check out her latest video, a recap of WWDC 23 focusing on accessibility:


TalkBack Ordering

Ever needed to override the order in which TalkBack scrolls through your elements on the screen? Check out this article about how to do just that.

Join the Accessible Mobile Apps Slack Group

Use this link to join our Slack workspace for mobile accessibility. Ask technical questions, share resources, get advice from other developers, and most importantly connect with developers who share your passion for a11y.